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How many rooms are affected
There is standing water accumaleted
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This estimate is based on information provided and is subject to changed based on conditions at the property when we arrive.
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What to expect from us:
- No sales pressure
- Detailed proposal
- Lifetime warranty
- Professional installation
- Quick service
- Licesnsed & insured
We will beat or match our competition's written estimate

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Authorized by: Dan Hennessey
Activation Date: 02/17/2025
Expiration Date: 03/17/2025
Minimum purchase required. This certificate may be redeemed for face value, to be used toward any new product or service from American Restoration Professionals. Previous or on-going orders are excluded. Entire amount must be redeemed in a single transaction, no change or credit will be given. Gift certificates have no cash value, and cannot be replaced if lost or stolen. Other restrictions may apply
American Restoration Professionals
187 Page Street Unit 3,
Stoughton, MA 02702
(617) 945-4510